Evolution of man



The blackness of space beckons

Dreams of other worlds

Hopes of freedoms

Minds open to each other.


What have we created

Here on this our world

Are we the destroyers

Preying upon ourselves.


Nature takes a step

Unbeknownst to us

Death is the release

In the neverending cycle.


Survival in infinity

The mind our only chance

Here the signs at last

Evolution is at hand.


Are we strong enough

To leave our nest behind

The steps to take are long

Rewards are still uncertain.


Man must move ahead

He cannot stay being

Our future is the only goal

And life the only prize.


Fear the subtle partner

Forewarns of danger near

Forge ahead we say to all

For we must play our part.


Ones and twos at first

Soon the rest will follow

Do not regret the choice

It was the only way.


Thoughts flow unrestricted

Time and space are one

Neverending dreams

The evolution of man.

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I am a woman with a mission: to live life to the fullest. I will not let an itty, bitty incurable disease stop me. It may slow me down but like a ship dragging an anchor, I'll get there eventually. Walk with me at www.butterflysand.com

4 thoughts on “Evolution of man”

  1. Shouldn’t even be on here, Pam, work is calling while I sup my first coffee of the day. But think I was meant to be. Your words have been inspiring. And you’re keeping Freedom’s Place going all on your own by the looks of it and I’ve been awol. :/ You’re a star.x

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